for artists

Join the Preferred Artist Program at no cost to you

Your work deserves a thoughtfully designed home

Interior designers are always looking for the perfect artwork to bring a space together and satisfy their client’s needs. The Preferred Artist Program connects your work with collectors who invest in thoughtfully designed spaces. And…there’s nothing better than a beautiful installation with your art as the focal point. 


  • New ways to earn

  • No contracts, no fees for the artist

  • Grow your collectors and connect with the right audience

  • Your art in well-designed spaces

  • Plan ahead for future work with privately commissioned projects

  • Your work featured as part of a designer’s accolades

  • Secure pre-sales for upcoming collections



Fill out the form to apply for the preferred artists program. Include your website, instagram handle or any other information you would like to share. Your work will be part of an artists catalog that is shared with collectors at no cost.

how it works


In collaboration with interior designers, art themes will be selected at an early planning phase. Your work will be featured as a preferred artist when presenting design ideas to the client. If the client selects your work, we will purchase directly from you at full price, no fees for you.

For commissioned work, we will work within your guidelines for accepting commissions and find a delivery date that works for all parties involved.

See how it works for designers.